655 Reserve Rd
Upper Coomera 4209, QLD, Australia


07 55299640

Mild Hyperthermia


Sweating is good for you!

Mild Hyperthermia reaches whole body temperatures of about 39 – 40 Degrees Celseus.  The SoloCarbon® technology heats your body to the core, triggering your body to release toxins far beyond of that any other heat treatment would achieve.

It’s one of the body’s safest and most natural ways to heal and maintain good health. Alternative medicine widely embraces sauna detox for treatment. Researchers have long told us how the body sweats out toxin build-up, including heavy metals.  As long as you maintain proper hydration, the more you safely sweat, the more toxins you’ll expel from your skin and body.

This clinic researches it’s application for cold / flu management, for chemotherapy support, detoxification and to stimulate lymphatic drainage.